Imagine you’re walking along the forest trail. It’s a little muddy and a little slippery. And you’re a half hour and probably not paying too much attention to your surroundings any more cause you’re doing your best not to fall.
Then you catch a glimpse of cascading water through the trees and in a slightly humdrum way you think “oh, we’re there”. Cause your focus is on where your feet are falling, occasionally glancing up to eye level.
But then you look up. And up some more.
And there’s only one word to sum it up.
Welcome to the Maracas Waterfall. Located at the end of the Maracas/St. Joseph Valley in the Northern Range, this is reportedly Trinidad’s highest waterfall. A straight 91 metre (290+ foot) drop down an almost sheer cliff face. And easily our most gorgeous photo walk location ever!
As waterfall hikes walks go, this is definitely one of the easier ones. Though there are a couple short, steep sections and one lovely little waterfall/spring that crosses the trail, it’s not overly strenuous or treacherous at all. From the trail head it’s about a 20-minute walk through some lovely, lush forest.
There are no large pools at the base, but the waterfall itself and several small rock pools provide ample opportunity for a refreshingly bracing bath if you’re so inclined.
There are lots more photos from the Maracas Waterfall photo walk in our Flickr group. Two of our photo walkers also blogged their own accounts of the day — Maracas waterfall on and Photo walk in Trinidad on Dpixel365’s blog.
Photo credits for the photos used in this post: DhannyP, carib_boy and trinidad sky. Group shot thanks to DhannyP too.
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